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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Immunostain_staining_kit > ROMER/AgraQuant® Deoxynivalenol ELISA test/48/Number of wells/10002108 (COKAQ4048)
商品详细ROMER/AgraQuant® Deoxynivalenol ELISA test/48/Number of wells/10002108 (COKAQ4048)
ROMER/AgraQuant® Deoxynivalenol ELISA test/48/Number of wells/10002108 (COKAQ4048)
ROMER/AgraQuant® Deoxynivalenol ELISA test/48/Number of wells/10002108 (COKAQ4048)
商品编号: 10002108(COKAQ4048)
品牌: romerlabs
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 免疫组化染色试剂盒
公司分类: Immunostain_staining_kit
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com
Description & Properties


AgraQuant® DON test kits are accurate and reliable enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) in a quantitative format. Together with a StatFax® or BioTek® ELISA reader, results can be directly interpreted and continuously documented. These ELISA test kits are the ideal solution for a parallel measurement of multiple samples with incubation times of as low as 15 minutes for up to 42 samples. With the AgraQuant® ELISA, up to 6 mycotoxins can be analyzed from 1 extraction, substantially shortening overall time-to-result.


Item nameAgraQuant® Deoxynivalenol ELISA test
Storage temperature2°C - 8°C
Quantitation range250-5000 ppb
Limit of detection200 ppb
Limit of quantitation250 ppb

Materials supplied in the standard product

  • antibody coated microwells in a microwell holder
  • non-coated dilution microwells
  • 5 vials of each deoxynivalenol standard
  • 1 bottle of deoxynivalenol conjugate
  • 1 bottle of substrate solution
  • 1 bottle of stop solution
  • 1 bottle of wash solution concentrate

Materials required but not supplied

  • Romer Series II® Mill or equivalent
  • balance
  • 400 g
  • blender or a tightly sealing jar with lid
  • graduated cylinder: 100mL
  • distilled or de-ionized water
  • container for filtrate collection with minimum 125mL capacity
  • Whatman#1 filter paper
  • or equivalent
  • filter funnel
  • 8-channel and single channel pipettes capable of pipetting 100µL and 200µL with tips
  • timer
  • wash bottle
  • absorbent paper towels
  • 3 reagent boats for 8-channel pipettes
  • microwell reader with a 450nm filter and an optional differential filter of 630nm or equivalent


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